13 minutes / 2019
DIRECTED BY: Millefiore Clarkes
WRITTEN BY: Millefiore Clarkes & Tanya Davis
PRODUCED BY: Emma Fugate / Film4Ward + FilmPEI
SOLASTALGIA is a lyrical film that explores the anguish that climate change and a global state of uncertainty can impart upon the human psyche. Ava, a mother of two young children, is bombarded throughout her day with news of global disasters. Over the airwaves, on the internet, overheard at a grocery store - cataclysmic stories of the effects of climate change steadily erode Ava’s inner peace. She acutely feels the burden of guilt for her entire species. She worries about her children's futures. Her mental health is unwinding.
SOLASTALGIA gestures toward the vast timeline of the earth, poetically evoking the idea that life has meaning beyond human life.
SOLASTALGIA is funded by Film4Ward and FilmPEI. Also by UpStreet Craft Brewery. Special thanks to the contributors from our Kickstarter Campaign.
We are actively seeking new and original ways to use SOLASTALGIA to motivate conversation and action around climate change. If you would like to screen the film in your community - please contact me!